Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Yet to be named, pt45

She prepared for a dodge out of its way, knowing full well how hard it's going to be. It stopped just out of reach and raised slightly, eyeing her down. She returned the stare, trying to keep record of the rest of them. They hung back, right behind what seemed to be their leader, dominating over her. She tightened her grip on the weapon, deciding on a course of action. She jumped back.
A fracture of a second later a claw cut right through where her face was.
Not to waste the advantage, she jumped back ahead and buried her dagger right in the monster's chest. It shrieked in what had to be pain and pulled away, almost taking the blade with it.
That, however, scared the horse. Spooked, it neighed and ran directly at the undead, missing Shirral by an inch. That took them by surprise - without time to react, they shrieked and clawed hopelessly, thrown onto the ground on impact. The mount got through the group safely and galloped away in the direction of the city.
She didn't waste the opportunity given. She pounced one of  the enemies and plunged her dagger into its skull. It emitted a sound somewhat similar to water hitting a hot pan and stiffened, the flames in its eyes gone. She retrieved the weapon and pulled back a bit. The three remaining healthy undead were back on their... feet, with the fourth keeping behind them, a gaping hole right in the middle of its torso.
And then the wound started to shrink, gradually becoming smaller until it disappeared. It took just a few seconds.
Claws, shrieks and regeneration? How was she supposed to kill them now?

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