Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Endless Space attempt #3 followup

I achieved a Diplomatic Victory for maintaining a long alliance between four of the remaining five nations. I was in the process of tying up the last one when it struck. For some reason I was beaten in both research and income by one of my allies who had way less star systems (my 20 vs their 12) but in the end the victory was mine, and the galaxy lived happily ever after.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Endless Space attempt #3

It's going longer than I had expected. In fact, it's going really well. After some border issues I've forged an alliance with three other factions, crushed one, one died to pirates (not my fault, honest), then another got bribed into an alliance, and the galaxy is now enjoying peace until I'm ready to attack the last civilization. Or assimilate it into the alliance. We'll see.

Screenshot from before we stripped the pink empire into pieces (with me getting almost half their solar systems):

Oh yeah I'm the red guy. Yellow is the last empire that isn't in the alliance.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Birthday wish roundup

One late-night Steam message right after midnight
One reminded wish, but Zeke can't remember a single date so he's excused
One late-night Facebook wish right after midnight
One late Facebook wish
Nine Facebook messages
One Facebook message like
Four phone calls
Two direct visits

13/18 birthday candles blown. Yeah. I may have messed up the blowing.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Endless Space attempt #2

I didn't lose to pirates but I got contained in my five solar systems by three huge civilizations and got out-researched - one of them scored a Wonder Victory. I'm proud of myself for holding out though.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Endless Space attempt #1

I got conquered by pirates. No kidding.

It was fun though, and the game is definitely worth the price tag, particularly on Steam sales <3