Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Yet to be named, pt43

A day early but I won't be on the computer tomorrow. There. I'm responsible.

The horse trotted off the road onto the little clearing and stopped abruptly by a large rock at its far edge. Shirral got off the mount and helped Alvaren get back onto solid ground. He collapsed on the rock, sighing deeply in relief while lying down on it.
'I'm not saying we don't need a break', she pointed out, 'but this delaying us, and I can't say I'm feeling safe about staying here, particularly when you are wounded.'
'I'm well aware of that. But, again, I can't take it anymore. It just constantly hurt me for the past few hours.'
'That's bad. Is it getting better?', She asked, walking around the clearing.
'A little, yes. I don't like it, though.'
'I'm not surprised, really. You should have been more careful.'
'I didn't have much choice, alright?', He sighed in defeat and looked up into the sky.
It was mostly clear, with a few passing clouds and birds flying by on their way to wherever they were going. Bird-land. Or something.
...But why were they growing bigger? Rapidly? And closing in on them?
They were close enough to see tattered robes flapping about.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Empires Obsidian Conflict night #2

A short montage of the funnier moments we had while playing Obsidian Conflict with a few Empires people a few days ago. Hope you enjoy it!

Yet to be named, pt42

He tried to not feel it. He tried to ignore it. He tried to think of something else. He tried to look around. He tried to outlast it. He tried to hold out in hope of the end of their journey.
In the end, nothing worked. The brighter and friendlier the forest got, the more the pain in his leg intensified, as if in response to the awakening world. At least the birds were singing. At least it was getting warmer and warmer. At least they were closer to safety. At least, at least, at least....
Well at least that took his mind off of it for a short while. Now the pain was back and in rhythm with the horse's steps - one step, one spike. Only stronger and stronger. After all that time, he just couldn't take it anymore. He needed a break. Surely, his condition could worsen, but he needed it.
'Hey', he nudged Shirral.
'Hm?', she mumbled, pulled back into reality from the state of half-sleep she was in for what was now hours.
'Can we stop for a while? We still seem to be far away.
'Why would you want to stop then? It's all the more reason to keep going.'
'Because my leg is killing me, we've been riding for hours and I'm stiff and tired. Aren't you too?'
'Maybe a little. But I can still keep going.'
Silence was his answer.
'Alright, fine, let's stop here for a while and I'll get you out of the saddle.'

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Yet to be named, pt41

A young hare looked quizzically as the two-legged creatures abandoned its meadow on their white steed. Their sudden arrival awoke it from sleep and ever since they stopped it huddled in its hole, eyes barely sticking out, looking at them. Once they left, a sense of relief soothed into it, and given the high moon, it decided to silently exit its beloved shelter and inspect the trail left by the strangers. It sniffed at the ground, curious as to whether they would be back, and decided it was better to hide again.
The hare didn't even get to turn around.
A vicious swipe of a skeletal hand shredded it apart in an explosion of blood, bone and intestines. Not even a squeal left its mouth before the world ended.
The robed undead, burning eyes flickering, raised the gory hand up to its face, then slowly dropped it back to its usual place at its side. It then looked at the road ahead where the pair had disappeared mere seconds earlier and raised into the night sky to join its brethren in the flight after their prey.


Tak jak mówiłem, w tym tygodniu nie ma notki. Opowiadanie powinienem skończyć pod koniec marca, co oznacza, że od kwietnia znowu notki :)

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Yet to be named, pt40

'Thanks for the aid. Is it bad? The wound, I mean.'
'Seen worse', she lied. Her life was, up to this point, void of any kind of wound inspecting, other than burns and tiny cuts. 'But you need a professional to have it looked at, I can't really do anything else.'
'Well, I figured that much. How far away is the city, anyways?'
'Still a couple of hours, I'm afraid. We should see it come dawn.'
'It's still quite a bit, then.'
'And what did you expect?', She turned the horse around and climbed onto the saddle. 'People don't build settlements within a stone's throw from each other.'
'At least they build roads between them.'
'At least, yes.'
If it wasn't for the trail of packed dirt cutting through the forest, they would have lost their way right after they entered it, and probably walked into their demise. With it, they could continue their journey relatively safely, while also being reassured that they were making progress.
'Still, we shouldn't slack behind', Shirral said. 'Let's keep going.'
She forced the horse to continue along the way, back into the shadowy forest and towards their destination.

Dziesięć żądeł, pt34

To będzie ostatnia notka w marcu, przez resztę miesiąca będę po prostu pisać brakujący koniec (już niedaleko), a od kwietnia znowu notka co środę.

Ciekawy początek przygody. A potem mogło być tylko gorzej. Westchnął. Za oknem skończył się krajobraz miejski i przywitały go rozległe, zagospodarowane pola i odległe lasy. To przypomniało mu, że dawno nie był na wycieczce za miasto na swoim rowerze. Koniecznie musiał to zrobić po powrocie. Nikita pewnie by poczekał, ale z nabojami mogło być różnie.
Ci ludzie w willi. Kto to był? Nie miał czasu na szukanie informacji o nich, i, prawdę mówiąc, nie za bardzo wiedział, gdzie ich szukać. Wiedział tylko, że musiał uważać na siebie. Nikita był bezpieczny w helikopterze, doktor schowany w swoim laboratorium. Pozostali właściciele - a w zasadzie eks-właściciele - nie powinni być nawet dotknięci. Poza tym biznesmenem. Ale był na wakacjach. I miał ochroniarzy. Czyli wszystko było prawie w normie.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

One year anniversary

I should have prepared something, but really I kind of forgot. And it's not exactly an anniversary because the blog was created on the 29th, so whatever.

But yeah, one year has passed, and I'm very grateful for every one of those 15~ views a week ;)