Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Yet to be named, pt41

A young hare looked quizzically as the two-legged creatures abandoned its meadow on their white steed. Their sudden arrival awoke it from sleep and ever since they stopped it huddled in its hole, eyes barely sticking out, looking at them. Once they left, a sense of relief soothed into it, and given the high moon, it decided to silently exit its beloved shelter and inspect the trail left by the strangers. It sniffed at the ground, curious as to whether they would be back, and decided it was better to hide again.
The hare didn't even get to turn around.
A vicious swipe of a skeletal hand shredded it apart in an explosion of blood, bone and intestines. Not even a squeal left its mouth before the world ended.
The robed undead, burning eyes flickering, raised the gory hand up to its face, then slowly dropped it back to its usual place at its side. It then looked at the road ahead where the pair had disappeared mere seconds earlier and raised into the night sky to join its brethren in the flight after their prey.

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