Thursday, 6 December 2012

Yet to be named, pt30

They rode past the inn's courtyard. It seemed strangely silent. And dark. No light was coming from the big hall.
Something dreadful was happening. He started to suspect what the reason for such fear was. He didn't want to know, but what can you do?
They drove out onto the street coming from the gate and turned right, deeper into the city.
It was dark here, too. And silent. They rode past seemingly abandoned buildings illuminated only by moonlight. At least the moon was almost full. The town really shouldn't be like this though. The inn was far from closing and all the lanterns should burn into the early hours.
And yet they didn't. The pair entered a square in  front of the temple. The towers looked even more imposing from up close. An impressive work of architecture, that.
A work that look all but deserted. There definitely should have been a light above the main door. There was none.
- I can see that it's bad - Alvaren remarked. - But how bad is it?
- So bad you don't even want to know - Shirral replied. - Can you see a fire near the inn?
He looked behind. Indeed, there was a bright fire bellowing and spreading at its steady and unstoppable pace.
And nobody seemed to notice. An alarm should have been ringing for a good couple of minutes.
This bad.

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